Felissa & David

United States > > > with Chikako in Japan

We were excited to connect with Chikako, learn more about Japanese calligraphy as well as Japanese culture, language, and arts; have a meditative and intentional experience; and hopefully make a new friend and connect with Chikako's community.

Our time learning Japanese calligraphy with Chikako was incredibly special and memorable. Chikako is a wonderful teacher; she is warm, supportive, inquisitive, and enthusiastic. We loved getting to spend time with her and learning about both the art of calligraphy and her life. We found learning Japanese calligraphy to be challenging in a deeply rewarding way — the act of slowing down, making the ink by hand, and using our brushes to draw the kanji was ultimately quite meditative. The practice and our time with Chikako taught us so much about this traditional art and philosophy, and through it, Japanese culture and language.